My when i am referring a theorem box it is including only the chapter number and section number but not theorem number. Here is the code of theorem tcolorbox
\newtcbtheorem[number within=section]{Theorem}{Theorem}
,colback = mytheorembg
,frame hidden
,boxrule = 0sp
,borderline west = {2pt}{0pt}{mytheoremfr}
,sharp corners
,detach title
,before upper = \tcbtitle\par\smallskip
,coltitle = mytheoremfr
,fonttitle = \bfseries\sffamily
,description font = \mdseries
,separator sign none
,segmentation style={solid, mytheoremfr}
Now when i am creating a theorem with a label
\label{limitpoint} $x$ is a limit point of $S$ $\iff$ every neighborhood of $x$ in $X$ contains a point of $S$ other than $S$.
It is only printing 1.1 where as it should print 1.1.1.