How can I obtain an expanding wave in tikz that starts with a longer arc?
The minimal example below indicates what I want. The first two arcs, which are slightly visible should be removed completely and programmatically. Actually, I do not want to overwrite them by some workaround.
Is there a option for expanding waves to obtain this?
\usetikzlibrary{decorations.pathmorphing, decorations.pathreplacing}
\draw[decoration={expanding waves,segment length=1.5mm, angle=20}, ultra thick, decorate] (0, 0) -- ++(1.2,0);
\draw[decoration={expanding waves,segment length=1.5mm, angle=20}, ultra thick, decorate, white] (0,0) -- ++(0.3,0);
Note: In a earlier version of this question I used the snake tikz library, which is now deprecated.
has been deprecated for ten years or so. Please usedecorations
.expanding waves
. Do you prefer a low level altenative with app. 26 lines of complicated pgfcode defining a new decoration or a high level TikZ solution that\draw
s the relevant arcs? Edit: could also be done wit aclip
. - I will post that.