to make it clear, I would like to reproduce this:
in a way that the lines automatically fill the space on the right and left of the word in the center (as I need to use it for several titles).
Thank you very much!
to make it clear, I would like to reproduce this:
in a way that the lines automatically fill the space on the right and left of the word in the center (as I need to use it for several titles).
Thank you very much!
Your question is not very clear. I assume, that wide of this line is \textwidth
, so it is something like this?
For compensating ident
should be before image code in document added command \noindent
in definition of command to draw this image the \noindent
is part of image code, so a care of positioning of suit
command is not needed anymore.
\noindent\tikz\draw[line width=1.2ex, shorten >=1.2ex, line cap=round, gray]
(0,0) -- node[fill=white] {Suites} (\linewidth,0);
or this:
\noindent\tikz{\path (0,0) -- node[inner xsep=1em] (s) {Suites} ++ (\linewidth,0);
\draw[line width=1.2ex, line cap=round, gray] (0,0) -- (s);
\draw[line width=1.2ex, shorten >=1.2ex, line cap=round, gray] (s) -- (\linewidth,0);
Edit: If you need it more than once, than defining new command can be handy:
\tikz{\path (0,0) -- node[inner xsep=1em] (s) {#1} (\linewidth,0);
\draw[line width=1.2ex, line cap=round, gray] (0,0) -- (s);
\draw[line width=1.2ex, shorten >=1.2ex, line cap=round, gray] (s) -- (\linewidth,0);
Result of compilation is the same as before. This command can be used also in boxes. For example:
\tikz{\path (0,0) -- node[inner xsep=1em] (s) {#1} (\linewidth,0);
\draw[line width=1.2ex, line cap=round, gray] (0,0) -- (s);
\draw[line width=1.2ex, shorten >=1.2ex, line cap=round, gray] (s) -- (\linewidth,0);
\suit{The end}
in examples as well in definition of the command \suite
Zarko's answer is much more elegant than mine but since I had already been working on it I present it here as a secondary solution. (I also get Overful \hbox too wide
when running Zarko's code, probably because of this).
txt/.style={red,draw=none, fill=none},
line/.style={draw=none, fill=none,inner sep=0}]
\node(first)[line,left = ((\textwidth-\the\wd0)/2)-6 of mid]{};
\node(second)[line,right = ((\textwidth-\the\wd0)/2)-6 of mid]{};
\path[Round Cap-Round Cap,red,line width=1ex](first)edge(mid)(mid)edge(second);