does someone already make a such kind of packages like github readme:

​Build Status​​Quality Gate Status​

if no,how to make a such kind of badges in tcolorbox!

1 Answer 1


Here is something for you to get start with:



\NewDocumentCommand \GitHubBadge { m m m }
        enhanced, sidebyside, sidebyside adapt=both,
        bicolor, colback=black, colbacklower=green!70!black,
        frame hidden,
        left=2pt, right=2pt, top=0pt, bottom=0pt,
        sidebyside gap=1em,


\GitHubBadge { \faIcon{github} } { Build } { passing }


The \phantoms are for the vertical alignment of the text on two sides.

enter image description here

Below is a version with text shadow:



\NewDocumentCommand \GitHubBadge { m m m }
        enhanced, sidebyside, sidebyside adapt=both,
        bicolor, colback=black, colbacklower=green!70!black,
        frame hidden,
        left=2pt, right=2pt, top=0pt, bottom=0pt, boxsep=1.5pt,
        sidebyside gap=0em,


\GitHubBadge { \faIcon{github} } { Build } { passing }


enter image description here

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