I'm having a hard time doing a strikeout of a multi-line text within a newcommand using ulem and soul.
The answers below were not helpful:
https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/74910/265141 % Multi-line word with hyphenation
https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/430295/265141 % Adding \expandafter
\newcommand{\HW}[1]{\textcolor{green}{(HW) #1} }
\newcommand{\WH}[1]{\textcolor{red}{(WH) #1} }
% This is ulem
\HW{\sout{\WH{Hello, World! This is a long paragraph so we get multiple lines. It seems this can be difficult to handle by packages and I'm not sure why.}} Do you know?}
% This is soul. It raises an error of unmatched brackets
\WH{\st{\HW{World, Hello! This is a long paragraph so we get multiple lines. It seems this can be difficult to handle by packages and I'm not sure why.}} Do you know?}
% The below should not print red