I noticed that biblatex is incorrectly creating citations when there are multiple references with the same first author and same year - when using the APA citation style. Specifically, it lists more than one author even though only the first author's last name and et al. should be used.
A short example:
\documentclass[a4paper,twoside,11pt]{report} %openright
\usepackage[style=apa, backend=biber]{biblatex} %maxcitenames=1
% Bibliography file
author = "One Author1 and Two Author2 and Four Author4 and Three Author3",
title = "Title 1",
year = "1993",
author = "Author1, One and Author2, Two and Author3, Three and Author4, Four",
title = "Title 2",
year = "1993",
\textcite{entry1} \\
\textcite{entry2} \\
Results in the citations shown below, which incorrectly list three author names. However, APA-7 specifics that references with three or more authors should only use the first authors last name and et al.
style it is a great idea to report this directly to the developer (in this case via github.com/plk/biblatex-apa/issues). Ideally with an example document (like this one) and a reference to the specific rule that is violated. That way the problem can be fixed by the developer at the source and all users of the style benefit, not only those who notice the issue and search for a solution on the web.