Unfortunaly there is no MWE in the question.
Using scrheadings
the header consits of 3 elements: a left-aligned, a centered and a right-aligned. The centered element overlays the left one and the right element overlays the centered element. Therefore your text (or header) width picture in the centered element overlays the left-aligned \headmark
As a workaround you can use the right-aligned element:
\usepackage{blindtext}% only for dummy text
Note that in one-sided printing, only right-hand pages exist, and LATEX designates these as odd pages regardless of their page number. Therefore \rohead
(right on odd pages) or \ohead
(outer on all pages) is enough.
You could also define a new layer for the background picture and add this new layer before the other ones.
\usepackage{blindtext}% only for dummy text