I have to include a logo and sentence of the supporting funding agency on my title slide. I'd like it to be small, at the bottom and take little space. To do that, I think it would be if the sentence and the logo could be put side-by-side on the same level.
Anybody has an idea how to accomplish that?
MWE below:
\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}[horizontal]
\title{Unnecessarily long title}
\author{\small Name 1, Name 2, }
\addtobeamertemplate{title page}{}{\scriptsize Supported by some National Research Fund (LONG FUND NUMBER IN HERE)}
Which produces the two element above each other and thus takes a lot of space and attention
\titlegraphic{ \includegraphics[width=2cm,valign=c]{example-image} \quad \scriptsize\parbox{4cm}{Supported by some National Research Fund (LONG FUND NUMBER IN HERE)} }
should result in the expected output.