I am working on a machine where I currently cannot import packages. I want to fit a table into textwidth without the usual package. I managed to do this fixing the column width manually using p{2cm}
as suggested here. But the problem is that then the text in the columns are not centered anymore, which I would like for all except the left one.
MWE of main document
MWE of Table
Hi & Hi & Hi \\
11 & 0 & 1111 \\
1 & 0 & 314 \\
but why do you want to spread the columns out, it just makes the table hard to read.tabular*
will not help with that at all, it is for stretching tables to be wider than they would be as in the example you postd. For tables where you want line wrapping in the cells you needp
columns as you show. Bu the no package requirement honestly makes no sense here, If you have laex at all you have packages such as tabularx, it is a condition of distributing latex that they are available.