I use a LaTeX template for Xournal++
% This template avoids the scontents package, which is only available on relatively recent TeX distributions
\documentclass[varwidth=true, crop, border=5pt]{standalone}
% Packages
% Blank formula checking
% Color support
% User input
% Check if the formula is empty
\begin{axis}[xlabel=$x$,ylabel=$y$, axis lines=center,samples=100, #2]
\addplot[#1]{ #3 };
% Render the user input
An output of above command is:
But I want to edit above command $\graph$ such that the output graph could look like in this picture and support multiple functions on the same chart and domain of x,y just be zero or postive values:
How can we edit above command in order for the output to look like the above picture, while adding support for any number of functions? Thank you for your help.