I have a problem regarding jlcode package.
The package documentation can be found here: https://github.com/m3g/jlcode_example/blob/master/jlcode.sty
I have modified the default color theme to match my liking. This includes, a green colour for the comments and a grey-ish colour for the base as shown below:
\definecolor{jlbase}{HTML}{444444}% % julia's base
\definecolor{jlcomment}{HTML}{00B359}% % julia's comments
The problem is that toned greek characters (e.g. ά, έ) have the "jlbase" colour, even when they are used after the "#" command, which marks a comment, as written in the package. All the other greek characters have the "jlcomment colour" as they should. In addition to that, the toned greek characters are being put to the front of every greek word !?
Here's a picture to visualise the problem :
The code used is written down below:
\usepackage[a4paper, width=160mm, top=25mm, bottom=25mm]{geometry}
\setmainfont[Mapping=tex-text]{Times New Roman}
\newfontfamily\greekfont[Script=Greek]{Times New Roman}
\begin{jllisting}[language=julia, style=jlcodeuccstyle]
function #Ακέραιο μέρος
if abs(n)<1
aker = [0]
while (flag==0) #το πολύ 23 bits για αποθήκευση αριθμού(επειδή 1ο ψηφίο κατά την αποθήκευση
#το 1, μπορώ να θεωρήσω ότι θα αποθηκεύσω άλλα 23 ψηφία)
append! VS apend #(aker,mod(AkeraioMeros,b))
global AkeraioMeros = div(AkeraioMeros,b) #πηλίκο διαίρεσης ακεραίου μέρους με b
if (AkeraioMeros==0)
flag=1; #break
aker=reverse(aker) #αναποδογυρίζουμε διάνυσμα με ψηφία ακε̇ραιου μέρους
println('θέλω να σε')
I would like the text to be shown as written in the code above (with the same order of the letters inside every word) and ALL the characters following the "#" command to have a green colour(jlcomment colour)
Any help will be greatly appreciated!
? Also the code shown doesn't appear to be related to Unicode, it just compares to integers and if they are equal sets something in a color.