I am trying to create a table with both text and images (in separate cells) are left, top justified. This is what I get: attached pdf. I have googled and searched StackExchange but no luck. Please help. Thanks in advance.
\graphicspath{ {C:/Users/Mark/Desktop/Tutoring/Math and Science Images/Geometry} }
1. & This is a test question: $y =\sqrt{x-3}$. And continue to say something useless in order to see what this will look like. & \includegraphics[width=4cm]{Triangle Right - Three Sides and Labeled a b c.jpg} \\
2. & If a = 12 and b = 10 & Image\\
& & \\
& &
after the\hline
commands, add\usepackage[export]{adjustbox}
to the preamble ans use\includegraphics[width=4cm, valign=t]