I have expkv-def.sty and expkv-opt.sty stored in directory expkv. How can I use the two packages from another sty file.

Currently I have the following ephram.sty

    \ProvidesPackage{ephram}[2022/04/25 Ephram Document Style]
        choice-enum paper = \ephram@paper {21, a4, b5}
      \geometry{paperheight=21cm, paperwidth=21cm}

  • You could use full directory path (c:/Users/[User]/Documents/CustomSty/expkv-opt.sty etc) or you could use the answer to this question to put it in your Latex search folder. Which operating system are you using? I am on windows so may not be able to help
    – user245306
    Commented Apr 26, 2022 at 0:52
  • 1
    Have put the directory path. The sty files are now getting assessed.
    – Veak
    Commented Apr 26, 2022 at 1:01
  • Perfect, I will add an answer so this question doesn't get bumped to the top every few months by the community bot if it doesn't have answers, glad to help with your recent questions.
    – user245306
    Commented Apr 26, 2022 at 1:03

1 Answer 1


With .sty files, the full directory path can be added or the package can be installed into the Latex search directory (provided by Skillmon in a previous answer).

In this case, setting the full directory path e.g. c:/Users/[User]/Documents/CustomSty/expkv-opt.sty can allow the packages to be directly located. It would probably be best to use the method by Skillmon so that \usepackage{expkv-opt} could be used universally on your system, but if you do not mind typing the full path, then putting the full directory path is a good alternative.

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