I asked this question originally in attempt to get background images behind my code listings.
Background images for code listings
What I did not mention is that I am using the beamer package for slides. This technique does not seem to work with beamer. I get a gray box behind the code listing.
How do I get background images behind code listings in beamer? `
\newcommand{\tikzmark}[1]{\tikz[overlay,remember picture] \node (#1) {};}
\begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture]
\coordinate (VCenter) at ($(#2)!0.5!(#3)$);
\coordinate (Fudge) at (-\pgflinewidth,0);
\coordinate (VFudge) at (0,\baselineskip);
%\draw [red, thick,fill=yellow, fill opacity=0.2]% for debugging
($(#2)+ (Fudge) - 0.50*(VFudge)$) --
($(#2) + (\linewidth,0) - 0.50*(VFudge)$) --
($(#3) + (\linewidth,0) + 1.25*(VFudge)$) --
($(#3)+ (Fudge) + 1.25*(VFudge)$) -- cycle;
\path (VCenter) -- ++($(0.5*\linewidth,0)$)
node [opacity=0.3, #1] {\includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{#4}};
\usetheme {default}
\lstset{ language=Haskell
, basicstyle=\small\sffamily
, numbers=left
, numberstyle=\tiny\color{gray}
\noindent% Line above MUST be blank
data PersonRecord =
PersonRecord { firstname :: FirstName,
lastname :: LastName,
middleinitial :: Maybe MiddleInitial,
gender :: Gender,
favoritecolor :: FavoriteColor,
dateofbirth :: CalendarTime
} deriving (Show)
Some text afterwards.