I want to use both philosophy-verbose and bibcitefn option for smallcaps-author. I prove that this match is possible only if I use philosophy-classic style, but the guide (p. 15) tells that it is possible also for philosophy-verbose style.
So, this is my bib code.
Then, this is an example and I remind you that the following upper case in this example should be small caps.
So, document:
This is the body of my page. Follows the name of one author I want to cite: he is Trump, the former potus and he said that if he were still the potus today, Russia wouldn't invade Ukraine (1).
1 D. TRUMP, My words, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2022, p. 5.
And the code of this document should be:
This is the body of my page. Follows the name of one author I want to cite: he is \citeauthor{trump2022}, the former potus and he said that if he were still the potus today, Russia wouldn't invade Ukraine \footcite[5]{trump2022}.
an entry
another entry
D. TRUMP, My words, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2022.
another entry
Can someone helps me?
Follows a working example.
\title{layout}\author{Francesco Contini}\date{May 2022}
\chapter{My title}
This is the body of my page. Follows the name of one author I want to cite: he is \citeauthor{trump2022}, the former potus and he said that if he were still the potus today, Russia wouldn't invade Ukraine \footcite[5]{trump2022}.
and ending with\end{document}