Possible Duplicate:
What is the proper way to prevent text from splitting across columns and pages?

I'd be surprised if this has not been asked a zillion times before, but really I couldn't find it (tried [context] "no page break", [context] "preventing page breaks, [context] same page, etc - to no avail). So with some trepidation, here is my question:

Is there a ConTeXt equivalent of LaTeX's samepage environment? Or another way to prevent page breaks? I understand that \page[no] prevents breaks at specific positions, but what I am after is something like \startsamepage ... \stopsamepage, if it exists at all.



1 Answer 1


Ok, so it was a duplicate, as I feared (of What is the proper way to prevent text from splitting across columns and pages?) - sorry about that.

If anyone stumbles on this question, a possible solution is:


I'm sure there are better ways, but this seems to work for me.

  • doesn’t work with columns sadly :( Apr 5, 2016 at 12:54

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