biblatex has the option of using "ibid" in citations with the authoryear-ibid option. With this option activated, my pdf output contains both:

(I) (ibid.); and

(II) John (ibid).

I would like to keep (I) but not (II) -- i.e., I would like biblatex to print John (2000) but not John (ibid). Does anyone know how to do that?

(Here is another way of formulating my question if you use natbib=true: can I activate the use of ibid with \citep but not with \citet?)

1 Answer 1


The \ifciteibid test must be removed from the textcite bibmacro. For convenience, I use the xpatch package to selectively change the bibmacro's definition.






  author = {Author, A.},
  year = {2001},
  title = {Alpha},



Some text \citep{A01}.

As was shown in \citet{A01}~\dots

Some more text \citep{A01}.



enter image description here

EDIT: Here are the modifications necessary for the authoryear-icomp style (which uses a different implementation of textcite):



  • that works great with citestyle=authoryear-ibid. But I've noticed that this solution does not work with authoryear-icomp style and I don't understand why that happens. Do you know how I can fix this?
    – falsum
    Commented Jul 29, 2012 at 2:02

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