while writing my thesis I became aware of a problem related to the algorithm2e package regarding the label referencing of subsubsections following an algorithm. Here is a simple example:

This is a test. 
\subsection{Test Subsection}\label{subsection:test}
We ref \ref{subsection:test}
Now follows in Alg. \ref{alg:testalgo}:

i = 1\;
i = i + 1\;
i = 2\;
\subsubsection{Subsubsection Test}\label{subsubsection}
Lets ref the subsubsection \ref{subsubsection}

Example As you can see, instead of the chapter number, the last linenumber of the algorithm is displayed. If I add more lines, this number changes too. If you remove the algorithm, the cross referencing works without problems, see here:

This is a test. 
\subsection{Test Subsection}\label{subsection:test}
We ref \ref{subsection:test}
\subsubsection{Subsubsection Test}\label{subsubsection}
Lets ref the subsubsection \ref{subsubsection}


Does anyone have a solution or fix for this?

EDIT: If an algoritm is followed by a chapter, a section, or a subsection, this does not happen in the above example. Only with a subsubsection that follows the algorithm

1 Answer 1


Since subsubsections are not numbered, you cannot really refer to them with \ref. It's only a bit surprising that the label survives \end{algorithm}, but that's all.

Without the algorithm, the label would refer to the last numbered title, so 0.1.1. Nothing meaningful either.

If you want to number also subsubsections, add


to your document preamble.

It would be


with other document classes.

Full example, with some changes that I invite you to analyze.








This is a test. 

\subsection{Test Subsection}\label{subsection:test}

We ref \ref{subsection:test}
Now follows in Alg. \ref{alg:testalgo}:



i = 1\;
i = i + 1\;
i = 2\;

\subsubsection{Subsubsection Test}\label{subsubsection}

Lets ref the subsubsection \ref{subsubsection}


enter image description here

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