I was wondering how to use the titlepage package together with the memoir package. I'm wondering what I'm doing wrong.
The code is from \titleHGP on pages 48-49 of the titlepages.pdf
\documentclass[a4paper, 11pt, openright]{memoir}
\newcommand*{\titleHGP}{\begingroup% Handy Guide to Papermaking
{\Large THE AUTHOR} \\
\rule{0.9\txtwidth}{1pt} \par
{\noindent\Huge\bfseries CONUNDRUMS} \par
{\Large\itshape A Handy Guide to Puzzles and Enigmas} \par
{\scshape after the foreign edition of year \\
translated by} \par
{\Large THE TRANSLATOR} \par
\rule{0.9\txtwidth}{1pt} \par
\FSfont{5fh}% FontSite Fette Gotisch
H \\[1.15\baselineskip]
G \\[1.15\baselineskip]
P \\[1.15\baselineskip]
{\Large YEAR}
exists? Here with a full TeX Live 2022, this package is unknown, and all I find on CTAN is a document with that name, but it isn't a package, it's a compilation of good-looking title pages.titlepages
package at all, but just copy that code you have inside\titleHGP
into thetitlingpage
env directly in your memoir document. Feel free to copy the designed intitlepages
. The code comes from ctan.org/tex-archive/info/latex-samples/TitlePages but the sample it self is not enough, it needs code from the source of that info document