When I set the list heading of an endnote part to \chapter in order to have a page break, it occur a bad pagenumber of the endnote part in the TOC.










So the Notes page is correctly begin in a new dedicated page as desired: Rendering of the Note page

As you see, it is in this example set in the page 5.

But unfortunatly, the table of content mark it as in page 3:

TOC showing Note page on page 3


My guesses it’s because the \\addcontentsline{toc} start immediatly at the \printendnotes call and doesn’t wait the \cleardoublepage takes effect.

So, how to make the Note page number apears at the TOC at his real beginning page?

  • 1
    You can simply add a \cleardoublepage explicitly, right before \printendnotes.
    – Jinwen
    Commented May 24, 2022 at 7:49
  • Yes @Jinwen it’s the solution. If you write an answer, I can mark it as the solution.
    – fauve
    Commented May 24, 2022 at 8:49
  • 1
    I believe someone else might be able to come up with a more clever solution (or fix), since this is certainly not the expected behavior for this command. Adding \cleardoublepage is just my lucky guess.
    – Jinwen
    Commented May 24, 2022 at 8:53

2 Answers 2


I should put \cleardoublepage before \\addcontentsline{toc} to ensure page number.


Not sure, if this is what you are looking for:



  \frontmatter% <<<

  \mainmatter% <<<


  \backmatter% <<<

contents lipsum endnote

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