I'm currently trying to use \cline
to help me replicate this mockup:
I've been stumped for a while and the closest I've come to replicate it is the following:
\begin{longtable}{>{\raggedright\arraybackslash}m{5.5cm}|>{\raggedright\arraybackslash}m{2.0cm} |>{\raggedright\arraybackslash}m{2.0cm}|>{\raggedright\arraybackslash}m{6.5cm}}
\bfseries \cellcolor[gray]{.8}Column1 &
\bfseries \cellcolor[gray]{.8}Column2 &
\bfseries \cellcolor[gray]{.8}Column3 &
\bfseries \cellcolor[gray]{.8}Notes\\
General Chemistry& %row 1
-- \newline-- \newline --&\\\cline{2-2}& %row 2
&ch121\newline ch122\newline ch123&\\\cline{3-3}&&ch231/261\newline ch232/262\newline ch233/262&
ch121-123 available online at OSU\\\hline
As you can see, I wish to have every column's text start at the top but it seems that using cline creates a weird vertical indentation. For example, I would like it so that the horizontal line between column 2 and column 3 were at the same level:
Is there a way to "flush" my input after every usage of cline? I've tried looking through cline man pages such as: https://latexref.xyz/_005ccline.html, https://www.giss.nasa.gov/tools/latex/ltx-214.html and other stack questions to no avail.
Thanks in advance.