I am writing exercises along my book and I am using xsim
for this.
For some of the exercise there will be a hint that should appear at the end of the chapter (under "Hints to exercises" section).
Just as well, for some of the exercises there will also be a corresponding solution. Same - I want them to appear at the end of the chapter under a section "Solutions To exercises".
How do I that?
I tried to follow the example in the repository for hints and for cross referencing, but I don't know how to fully implement it.
- First would be to declare a new template, called
, for which the first thing would be to create a label for the exercises and the solutions, but how do I also create a label for the hints?
% how to create a label for the hints??
- I also need help with creating a command that prints the hints at the end of the chapter. I want the hints to appear as
Hint for exercise 3
Use the fact that $x=1$.
Hint for exercise 5
Recall that $x=y$.
A MWE for the document as I have it now is this:
%!TEX TS-program = xelatex
\xsimsetup{solution/print = false,}
exercise/within = chapter,
solution/template =myTemplate ,
print-solutions/headings-template = myTemplate
\chapter{Solutions to Problems in chapter \thechapter}%
% how to create a label for the hints??
\XSIMmixedcase{\arial% <- font changed
{ {\large\itshape\PropertyValue}}%
}\marginpar{% how to print the hint page ref here?
\marginRef{solution in page \pageref{ex:\ExerciseID} }
% \marginpar{\colorbox{lightgray}{\parbox{\dimexpr\marginparwidth-2\fboxsep}{solution in page \pageref{ex:\ExerciseID}}}}
% lang package
\begin{exercise}[subtitle={Pythagoras' theorem}]
Prove that the area of the square whose side is the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the areas of the squares on the other two sides.
\hint{Draw the altitude from point C, and call H its intersection with the side AB. }
The proof is easy.