I am trying to design a book cover for a document, the pages of which will be printed on 8.5"x11" letter paper, as a 17"x11" document. I have added into the geometry the margins I have found online regarding bleed (i.e. a 0.125" border on each side). But for some reason, the output is wrong, as one can tell by compiling this MWE:
Am I right in thinking that this should all be manageable from the Geometry options? If so, which ones am I not using correctly?
Here is the code for the MWE:
\usepackage[paperwidth=11in,paperheight=17in,layoutwidth=10.75in,layoutheight=16.75in,left=0.125in,right=0.125in,top=0.125in,bottom=0.125in,bindingoffset=0in, landscape=true, marginparwidth=0in, marginparsep=0in]{geometry}
\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={inner sep=0,outer sep=0}]
\draw[draw=black] (0,0) rectangle ++(1in,1in) node[pos=.5] {NW};
\draw[draw=black] (15.75in,0) rectangle ++(1in,1in) node[pos=.5] {NE};
\draw[draw=black] (0,9.75) rectangle ++(1in,1in) node[pos=.5] {SW};
\draw[draw=black] (15.75in,9.75) rectangle ++(1in,1in) node[pos=.5] {SE};
Here are the aspects of this output that surprise me:
- North and South are inverted (the four cardinal points are written using North-East, North-West, South-East and South-West acronyms).
- the top margin looks like it is correct, but the left margin looks like it is double (or more) the expected margin
- the width of the paper doesn't seem right since I would expect my East squares to be fully visible, with a 0.125 extra margin.
- whereas the width seems too short, the hight seems too long as I expect the south-most boxes to be at the complete bottom...
Perhaps my problem is with the tikz coordinate system rather than with the geometry? In any event, I wish to be able to confirm my understanding of where the margins are using tickz because the elements of my bookcover will be drawn with tikz. Thanks!