Can someone compile the following three tables and attach the outputs as a photo?
Table 1:
\noindent\begin{tblr}{colspec = {| Q[c,$] X[l] |
Q[c,$] X[l] |},
row{1} = {mode=text},
row{2-Y} = {belowsep+=2pt}
Parameter & Description & Parameter & Description\\
b & Influx rate of the popu\-la\-tion
& \sigma & Progression rate from the asymptomatic compartment to the symptomatic compartment \\
\mu & Natural death rate
& \gamma_A & Non-treatment recovery rate of asymptomatic individuals \\
\beta_A & Transmission rate of the asymptomatic compartment
& \gamma_I & Non-treatment recovery rate of symptomatic individuals \\
\beta_I & Transmission rate of the symptomatic compartment
& \eta & Treatment rate of symptomatic individuals \\
\nu & Vaccination rate of newborns
& \xi & Immunity loss rate \\
\rho & Vaccination rate of susceptibles
& \alpha & Disease induced death rate \\
Table 2:
\noindent\begin{tblr}{colspec = {| Q[c,$] X[l] |
Q[c,$] X[l] |},
row{1} = {mode=text},
row{2-Y} = {belowsep+=2pt}
Parameter & Sensitivity index & Parameter & Sensitivity index\\
b & +1.000
& \sigma & -0.447 \\
\mu & -0.453
& \gamma_A & -0.417 \\
\beta_A & +0.891
& \gamma_I & -0.013 \\
\beta_I & +0.109
& \eta & -0.093 \\
\nu & -2.667
& \xi & +0.324 \\
\rho & -0.901
& \alpha & -0.001 \\
Table 3:
\noindent\begin{tblr}{colspec = {| Q[c,$] X[l] |
Q[c,$] X[l] |},
row{1} = {mode=text},
row{2-Y} = {belowsep+=2pt}
Parameter & Sensitivity index & Parameter & Sensitivity index\\
b & +1.000
& \sigma & -0.215 \\
\mu & -0.223
& \gamma_A & -0.052 \\
\beta_A & +0.277
& \gamma_I & -0.594 \\
\beta_I & +0.723
& \eta & -0.116 \\
\nu & -0.222
& \xi & +0.102 \\
\rho & -0.901
& \alpha & -0.001 \\
This is the version I'm using:
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.20 (MiKTeX 2.9.7050) entering extended mode
The error outputted in a fresh document:
! LaTeX Error: File `tabularray.sty' not found.
Type X to quit or <RETURN> to proceed,
or enter new name. (Default extension: sty)
Enter file name:
After installing tabularray
package and all the latest updates on MikTex console, my document that was compiling before is not compiling anymore with the following error:
Package tabularray Warning: Your LaTeX release is too old.
(tabularray) Please update to 2020-10-01 first.
! Undefined control sequence.
\NewDashStyle code ..._tmpa_seq {4}}\tl_if_eq:NnT
\l__tblr_a_tl {on}{\tl_if_...
l.1114 ...ashStyle {dashed} {on ~ 2pt ~ off ~ 2pt}
Using Celdor's comments, I installed miktex from the link he sent, the tables compiled but they're not identical as I thought they'd be:
We see, the second is much "bulkier"? I want it like the one provided in Zarko's solution: How to draw a vertical line in a table? as it looks better in my opinion.
is not installed. Did you try to install it with MiKTeX Package Manager?