I must be missing something really simple and obvious, because I think I have done this many times before. A simple tryout file:
this should be Lato --- and it is.
verbatim, this should be Lato, but instead is 'LMRoman17-Regular'.
verbatim this should be Ubuntu font, but also is LMRoman17-Regular.
poppler pdffonts:
UOTJVU+Lato-Regular CID TrueType Identity-H yes yes yes 4 0
KYEUXJ+LMRoman17-Regular CID Type 0C Identity-H yes yes yes 5 0
LuaLaTeX picks up the \setmainfont
on Lato perfectly, but the hand-set fonts do not work. (Lato and Ubuntu are installed in macOS' Font book.)
The output is: