If I remove the textcolor specification (and the corresponding 2 curly braces), the useless space around "someItem" disappears.
If I replace the "\begin{itemize} ... \end{itemize}" bloc by just a text, the useless space around "someItem" disappears.

Why are there these differences? I tried to remove all the blanks in my LaTeX source, because I thought there were causing some problems, but that didn't help.

Is it related to the notion of "vertical mode" (that I don't understand yet, but someone mentioned it in one my other posts about unwanted spaces)?

I saw some posts with similar problems (for example: Why does tcolorbox adds vertical space?), maybe their solution would work, but I still wouldn't understand what textcolor or itemize are breaking in my MWE...

I'm using LuaLaTex, but the result in the same on this online service: https://latex.net/texlive/

In fact, I don't really need a color for my text. I just put it to play with fonts in one of my documents. So I'll just remove the "textcolor" and my document will be ok, but I would still like to understand what's going on!



1 Answer 1


Well color can affect spacing as it adds whatsits. And if you use \textcolor instead of \color you additionally start a paragraph. With lualatex can use use luacolor, that avoids parts of the problem.





with luacolor

enter image description here

without luacolor

enter image description here

  • Thanks, I think I'll use \color. I'm still not very experienced with LaTeX, so would you say that, for experienced LaTeX users, whatsits problems/surprises...: - are common, or are they more frequent with people like me who learn by themselves, and/or stumble on these problems because they don't have any filter, they don't know what's useful, what's dangerous, etc.? - are easily solved (like using \color instead of \textcolor), or are they mostly tricky?
    – Michaël
    Commented Jun 13, 2022 at 13:15

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