I am trying to convert my document into ePUB using tex4ebook. In this bilingual writing, the free font Kalpurush is used.
Here's the MWE file.tex
% !TEX program = xelatex
% !BIB program = biblatex
\documentclass[12pt, twoside]{book}
% For a bilingual document
\usepackage[banglamainfont=Kalpurush, banglattfont=Kalpurush]{latexbangla}
%activate polyglossia
\setdefaultlanguage[numerals=Bengali, changecounternumbering=true]{bengali}
%number all levels
% \usepackage[backend=biber, sorting=none, language=english, autolang=other, block=ragged]{biblatex}
% \addbibresource{bookbib.bib}
\chapter{First Chapter}
\section*{First Section}
পিথাগোরাস (Pythagoras)-এর উপপাদ্যটি হল,\\
``সমকোণী ত্রিভুজের অতিভুজের উপর অঙ্কিত বর্গক্ষেত্রের ক্ষেত্রফল অপর দুই বাহুর উপর অঙ্কিত বর্গক্ষেত্রের ক্ষেত্রফলের সমষ্টির সমান।" \\
অর্থাৎ কোন সমকোণী ত্রিভুজের অতিভুজ $c$ এবং অপর দুই বাহু $a$ এবং $b$ হলে,
\item The individual entries are indicated with a black dot, a so-called bullet.
\item The text in the entries may be of any length.
% \nocite{*} % adds all entries in the bib file to the bibliography % https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/13513/114006
% \printbibliography
By using the command:
tex4ebook -x -f epub3 file.tex mathml
I am getting the following the errors:
[STATUS] tex4ebook: Conversion started
[STATUS] tex4ebook: Input file: testing_bangla.tex
[WARNING] tocid: char-def module not found
[WARNING] tocid: cannot fix section id's
This is XeTeX, Version 3.141592653-2.6-0.999994 (MiKTeX 22.3) (preloaded format=xelatex.fmt)
restricted \write18 enabled.
entering extended mode
But no ePUB file is generated. How can I solve it? If a config file is needed, what should be included there?