The goal: I'm trying to make a project. I have a program which is compiled and executed by batch script (Windows Batch File). There are several of those.
The problem: I would like to have them listed on my overleaf/latex document but cannot find proper language. On the top of that citing seems to be cutting off some letters (like 'c' is missing') and somehow LaTeX says there are 4 rows instead of 3.
LaTeX config:
What I'm trying to cite
\begin{lstlisting}[caption={Trimming silence script},label={lst:scr1},]
if not exist "C:\Users\Folder1\Script1" mkdir C:\Users\Folder1\Script1
for /l %x in (1, 1, 100) do echo %%x
Compiled file result:
I've read here that might be suitable language but whatever change I make the colors etc. remains the same.
Including AutoHotkey and Batch file code in LaTeX with \usepackage{listings}