- sum of widths of the columns spanned by
cell should be greater than width of \multicolumn
content. if it is not, than last spanned column is widened accordingly
- solution (at "classic" tables) is prescribe appropriate width of spanned columns (below in the first table), or
- for table use
package (version 2022B) with option hspan=even
which take a care that spanned columns have equal widths (second table below)
- In the second table is also used
columns defined in siunitx
packages (in example loaded as tabularray
library) which enable align numbers at decimal points and use math ˙-˙symbol:
\usepackage[skip=1ex, font=small, labelfont=bf]{caption}
\usepackage{multirow, tabularx}
\UseTblrLibrary{booktabs, siunitx}
\begin{tabular}{l | *{4}{>{\centering\arraybackslash} p{4em}} | cc}
& \multicolumn{4}{c|}{Percentage of predictions with error value}
& \multirow{2}{*}{$\mu$} & \multirow{2}{*}{$\sigma$} \\
& $<10\%$ & $<5\%$ & $<2\%$ & $<1\%$ & & \\
Omega-Csi & 100 & 99.95 & 98.52 & 95.77 & -0.034 & 0.48 \\
9-Input, grid training & 99.95 & 99.53 & 96.25 & 89.13 & 0.016 & 0.92 \\
9-Input, random training & 100 & 99.94 & 99.51 & 97.98 & -0.031 & 0.36 \\
\caption{Percentage error characteristics of different model predictions on internal test sets}
\caption{Percentage error characteristics of different model predictions on internal test sets}
\begin{tblr}{colspec = {l | Q[c, si={table-format=3.2}]
*{3}{Q[c, si={table-format=2.2}]}
| Q[c, si={table-format=-1.3}]
Q[c, si={table-format=1.2}] },
hspan = even,
row{1} = {guard}
\SetCell[r=2]{c} Model
& \SetCell[c=4]{c} Percentage of predictions with error value
& & & & \SetCell[r=2]{c,$} \mu
& \SetCell[r=2]{c,$} \sigma \\
& \qty{<10}{\%}
& \qty{<5}{\%}
& \qty{<2}{\%}
& \qty{<1}{\%}
& & \\
& 100 & 99.95 & 98.52 & 95.77 & -0.034 & 0.48 \\
9-Input, grid training
& 99.95 & 99.53 & 96.25 & 89.13 & 0.016 & 0.92 \\
9-Input, random training
& 100 & 99.94 & 99.51 & 97.98 & -0.031 & 0.36 \\
Note: Since in code fragment you use table*
float environment, I assume that document is of two columns.
Edit: ups, forgot to add image of tables :-(. Now is presented: