I am writing thesis chapter with individual bibliography. Executing with Xelatex, and I found no errors, preview shows everything but citations and reference. Although, I have written report with citation it works fine.
However, I googled for solution but all ways failed, some of are Post1 Post2 Post3
Here is a simplest example of thesis from overleaf page which works on overleaf , but doesn't work on TexStudio(MacTex). any suggestion will be appreciated.
%!TEX program = xelatex
%!BIB program = bibtex
\title{Per-chapter bibliographies with chapterbib}
\chapter{First Chapter}
This example chapter, here's a citation! \citep{greenwade93}
author = "George D. Greenwade",
title = "The {C}omprehensive {T}ex {A}rchive {N}etwork ({CTAN})",
year = "1993",
journal = "TUGBoat",
volume = "14",
number = "3",
pages = "342--351"
This was tried with MacTex and Texstudio in MacOS.
Works fine in Overleaf website
which does all the required compilations for you. Try changing your TeXStudio preferences to uselatexmk
. See TexStudio with LuaLatex and latexmk - is this possible?. (Since you're not usinglualatex
you need to adjust the answer in that question to usepdflatex