New to latex so apologies if this has been asked, I haven't found this specific question on SO.
I have a table that I'm trying to fit into a 2 column page format. The actual link for the full packages on overleaf from the publisher is here, though I believe I added all the packages and document type. I'm using this website to generate my table. I learned from this SO that I need to add *
to the table to make it fit the 2 column, however, one of my columns in my table is very long:
% \setlength\titlebox{10cm} % <- for Option 2 below
%%%% Material in this block is specific to generating TACL instructions
\newcommand{\dateOfLastUpdate}{Dec. 15, 2021}
\newcommand{\ex}[1]{{\sf #1}}
\taclinstructionsfalse % AUTHORS: do NOT set this to true
\renewcommand{\anonsubtext}{(No author info supplied here, for consistency with
TACL-submission anonymization requirements)}
\iftaclpubformat % this "if" is set by the choice of options
\newcommand{\taclpaper}{final version\xspace}
\newcommand{\taclpapers}{final versions\xspace}
\newcommand{\Taclpaper}{Final version\xspace}
\newcommand{\Taclpapers}{Final versions\xspace}
\newcommand{\TaclPapers}{Final Versions\xspace}
\textbf{Name} & \textbf{Method} \\
Reference, Reference, Reference, Reference, Reference, Reference, Reference, Reference, Reference, Reference, Reference, Reference, Reference, Reference, Reference, Reference, Reference, Reference, Reference, Reference, Reference, Reference, Reference, Reference, Reference, Reference, Reference, Reference, Reference, Reference, Reference, Reference, & Some method \\
Reference,Reference & \\
& \\
& \\
& \\
& \\
& \\
& \\
& \\
& \\
& \\
& \\
& \\
& \\
& \\
& \\
Following this SO I tried using \small
but it didn't make it much better. One possible solution that I see would be to change how the text in the row look (instead of one long row be in multiple rows under one row). But I'm not sure how to do that or if that's the best / neatest approach.
\begin{tabular}{ | m{5em} | m{1cm}| m{1cm} | }
) until it fits the page. Are you familiar with a more general solution to just fit such table into the page as wide as possible (since I have several of these tables with different number of columns), or is it just generally true for LaTex that each table needs to be manually fit the page?