When building a paper I'm writing for an ACM conference, I am getting the following error using the latest acmart files:
Package natbib Warning: Citation `)' multiply defined.
Further, I receive this error alongside the following:
Package natbib Warning: Citation `ufactory' on page 3 undefined on input line 21.
The above citation undefined message only appears for 3 misc citations as seen below, and the first warning message disappears when I remove the 3 misc citations.
In the output.aux
file, I see the following for these citations:
\bibcite{)}{{37}{[n.\,d.(@}{{uArm Developer}}{{}}}
The packages I am using in the preamble are as follows:
% Packages
@misc{sdrplay2022, title={SDRuno}, url={https://www.sdrplay.com/sdruno}, author={SDRplay}}
@misc{ufactory, title={UFactory UArm}, url={https://www.ufactory.cc/uarm}, author={UFACTORY}}
@misc{uarmdeveloper, title={UARM-developer/UARM-Python-SDK: New Python Library for Swift, swift pro}, url={https://github.com/uArm-Developer/uArm-Python-SDK/tree/2.0}, author={uArm-Developer}}
The latest acmart files can be gathered on the official site: https://www.acm.org/publications/proceedings-template
The latex document MWE can be seen here:
\documentclass[sigconf,anonymous,table]{acmart} % anonymous
% Packages
% \graphicspath{{img/}}
\newcommand{\subscript}[2]{$#1 _ #2$}
\newcommand{\paragraphb}[1]{\vspace{0.03in}\noindent{\bf #1} }
\title{My Paper}
\author{James Smith, John Nash}
\institution{My Afill}
\keywords{a, b, c}
I used
uFactory's uARM Swift Pro~\cite{ufactory} and ... using
the uARM Python (3.8.X) SDK~\cite{uarmdeveloper}. The data capture ... uses ..
SDRuno~\cite{sdrplay2022} with ...
% References
And the references.bib
file used is simply the following, omitting all other references used:
@misc{sdrplay2022, title={SDRuno}, url={https://www.sdrplay.com/sdruno}, author={SDRplay}}
@misc{ufactory, title={UFactory UArm}, url={https://www.ufactory.cc/uarm}, author={UFACTORY}}
@misc{uarmdeveloper, title={UARM-developer/UARM-Python-SDK: New Python Library for Swift, swift pro}, url={https://github.com/uArm-Developer/uArm-Python-SDK/tree/2.0}, author={uArm-Developer}}
. In the lastpdflatex
, I only gotClass acmart Warning: Do not put several authors in the same \author macro! on input line 23.
. It is run on TeX Live 2022.