Possible duplicate of this. But this is a detailed and specific sub problem of that topic.
I know I should use vector images whenever possible, or 300dpi images. Since I am dealing with computer vision images the images I need to display are mostly 96dpi. In the last (and first!) document I prepared, the images were looking good on pdf. And I made the mistake to take the prints at the last moment before handing, they looked awful printed. I did not have time to correct that and had to give the document like that. I do not want same thing to happen.
What can I do to display/print low resolution (96dpi) images correctly? The size of the printed image does not matter for me, the only important thing is they are printed correctly.
I used Adobe Reader to print at a photocopy shop, and Foxit Reader at home. I did not use page scaling while printing. I am providing the scans for the photocopy shop. The prints I took at home is even worse. I took photograph of it (no scanner at home) I will send when I get back.
Note that I converted 96dpi images to 300dpi, without rescaling so no information is lost on the original 256x256 image, their size is around 2.17cmx2.17cm.
Here is the pdf (last page contains the images).
Here is the scanned image.
Here are (almost) all the files.
Here is the part that is typesetting images:
\newcolumntype{V}{>{\centering\arraybackslash} m{.2\linewidth} }
& 4 & 8 & 16 \\
32 & \includegraphics{lena_s_4_k_32.5.png} & \includegraphics{lena_s_8_k_32.4.png} & \includegraphics{lena_s_16_k_32.4.png} \\
64 & \includegraphics{lena_s_4_k_64.1.png} & \includegraphics{lena_s_8_k_64.4.png} & \includegraphics{lena_s_16_k_64.4.png} \\
128 & \includegraphics{lena_s_4_k_128.5.png} & \includegraphics{lena_s_8_k_128.3.png} & \includegraphics{lena_s_16_k_128.3.png} \\