The standard appearance of \usepackage{minitoc} is with bold letters for each of the sections/subsections of a chapter. How would I go about making a mini table of contents with unbolded letters?

Thank you.

1 Answer 1


Assuming you're using the \dominitoc and \minitoc commands, you can redefine the commands \mtcfont (applied to whole minitoc), \mtcSfont (applied to section listings), \mtcSSfont (applied to subsections), etc. I think the default definition is \small\bfseries so you can leave out \bfseries, or make any other changes you'd like:




\chapter{My chapter}


\section{My first section}

\subsection{My first subsection}

\section{My second section}

\chapter{Another chapter}


\section{This section}


For more, see the minitoc documentation, page 7.

  • Thank you, this solved my problem. A last question: the word CONTENTS still appears in bold. How can I change this to normal font? Commented Sep 3, 2022 at 23:26
  • You can do a similar redefinition of the \mtifont command. The default is \large\bfseries so you could so \renewcommand{\mtifont}{\large}. See the documentation, linked above, page 35.
    – frabjous
    Commented Sep 3, 2022 at 23:31
  • Thank you very much! Commented Sep 3, 2022 at 23:33

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