There is not much time to make a detailed answer, but since it is possible I will simplify some steps for you.
- Watch any video on how to convert any image to vector in Inkscape.
- Check this answer How to export svg to tikz
- Watch any video on how to install plugins for inkscape.
- Already in inkscape with your vectorized image go to extensions>>export>>Export to tikZ path.
- Use this options [the UI is in spanish sorry]:
- This will generate a very long code [This code cannot be placed as MWE since it has more than 3000 characters and the page does not allow copying it.]:
\def \globalscale {1.000000}
\begin{tikzpicture}[y=0.80pt, x=0.80pt, yscale=-\globalscale, xscale=\globalscale, inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt]
\begin{scope}[shift={(-54.5242,-89.3565)}]% layer1
% path847
\path[fill=black,line width=0.056pt]
.. controls (26.3421,47.0120) and (25.5522,46.5029)
.. (25.4268,46.5029) .. controls (25.3729,46.5029) and (25.1336,46.6614)
.. (27.2576,24.6615) .. controls (27.2406,24.6615) and (27.2267,24.6300)
.. (27.2267,24.5915) -- cycle(27.0273,24.2495)
.. controls (26.9057,24.1725) and (26.9516,23.9265) ... very long code ....
... very long code ....
... very long code ....
.. (27.0876,23.9265) .. controls (27.1491,23.9265) and (27.2008,24.0053)
.. (27.2138,24.1190) .. controls (27.2368,24.3185) and (27.1889,24.3520)
.. (27.0273,24.2495) -- cycle;
% path847
- copy the path where you want and scale it in the tikzpicture environment properties.
- Of course you can skip all these steps since you converted your image to vector since in inkscape you can export it as a PDF and then import it with all the vector properties you want even within the tikz environment.
- Check this post Insert an image at the beginning of a chapter
- Then you can also play with import vector pdf tikz generated images Scaling different components of tikzpicture together.