I want to create lemmas with my own enumeration, e.g. Lemma A.1, A.2, ..., using \newtheorem. However, when compiled and referenced, the number is wrong for what seems a simple reason. LaTeX enumerates by section, but I want my own labeling "A.1" to carry over. How do I force that for any arbitrary labeling? My challenge us I have many such Lemma A.# in a section that cannot be section "A" for easy to explain but space consuming reasons.

Here is a working example of my dilemma. The referenced "Lemma A.1" comes as as Lemma B, but I need it to come out as "Lemma A.1".


\newtheorem*{lemmaA1}{Lemma A.1}



We have that $1=1$.

Lemma \ref{lm:11} is true.


enter image description here

1 Answer 1


You don't want to define a bunch of \newtheorems for each key you need. Moreover, \newtheorem* defined environments don't set a counter, so \label inside them won't work and you'd get a random reference.





We have that $1=1$.

Lemma~\ref{lm:11} is true.


You may defined other generic based environments.

enter image description here

  • That's perfect: thanks so much (I should have reached out about this years ago)!
    – JBH
    Commented Sep 15, 2022 at 19:39

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