I don't get any ligatures, like the fi ligature.
I'm using:
URW Century Schoolbook L (afai can determine anyway)
XeTeX, Version 3.1415926-2.2-0.9995.2 (TeX Live 2009/Debian)
Ubuntu 10.04
This is the relevant part, I think:
\setmonofont[Scale=0.85]{Bera Sans Mono}
\setmainfont{Century Schoolbook L}
If I drop fontspec and use fouriernc it works fine, I get ligatures, but I can't specify the other fonts. If I use both fouriernc and fontspec, this seems to clash so I get neither New Century Schoolbook, nor Century Schoolbook L.
I've also tries things like:
\setmainfont[Mapping=tex-text, Ligatures={Common, Rare, Historical}]{Century Schoolbook L}
To no avail. Setting Ligatures=TeX fails, it doens't know what TeX ligatures are. I've tried switching to luatex, but it seems to not be able to use the fontspec package.
I'm stuck.