I am trying to adapt How to create a multiline timeline to my case.

If I try to get larger scaling factor for x-values (years), i.e. from 0.28 to any higher value

\pgfmathsetmacro\yearscale{0.28} % scaling factor for x-values (years)

I get this error:

Dimension too large.

myfile.tex, 77‬
<recently read> \pgf@xx 
l.77 }
I can't work with sizes bigger than about 19 feet.
Continue and I'll use the largest value I can.

How can I solve this error ?

Here you are code and resulting plot (that one with scaling factor for x-values (years) equal to 0.28):

\usepackage{tikz, pgfplotstable}

% read in table
\pgfplotstableread[col sep=comma]{
A  ,   2011    ,   2012
B     ,   2016    ,   2018
C,   2018    ,   2022

\pgfplotstableread[col sep=comma]{
D ,   2003    ,   2008
E    ,   2008    ,   2011
F    ,   2012    ,  2014
G ,   2013    ,   2017

% add color columns
\pgfplotstablecreatecol[create col/set={blue!30}]{color}{\authors}
\pgfplotstablecreatecol[create col/set={red!30}]{color}{\events}

% append events table to authors table
% sort by startyear
\pgfplotstablesort[sort key=startyear]\sortedtable\authors


% if you want to look at the table    
% columns/label/.style={string type},
% columns/color/.style={string type}

\pgfmathsetmacro\yearscale{0.28} % scaling factor for x-values (years)
\pgfmathsetmacro\yscale{0.3} % scaling for y-direction -- effectively vertical distance between bars
\pgfmathsetmacro\barheight{0.25} % height of bars


\foreach [count=\i,evaluate=\i as \ylevel using \i*\yscale] \row in {0,...,\M}{

% get entries from table row

\ifnum \xend=-1
  % single day entry, draw circle
  \filldraw [draw=black!99!\barcolor,fill=\barcolor] (\xstart*\yearscale,-\ylevel) circle[radius=\barheight/2.5] node[black,right=3pt,font=\scriptsize] {\txt};
  % interval, draw a rectangle
  \fill [\barcolor] (\xstart*\yearscale,-\ylevel-\barheight/2) rectangle (\xend*\yearscale,-\ylevel+\barheight/2);
   % add text label right of the rectangle
  \node [right,font=\scriptsize] at (\xend*\yearscale,-\ylevel) {\txt};

\draw [Stealth-Stealth] 
-- (2003*\yearscale,-\TheLastY-\yscale)
-- (2023*\yearscale,-\TheLastY-\yscale);

% add ticks on x-axis
\foreach \year in {2003,2004,...,2022}
   \draw (\year*\yearscale,-\TheLastY-\yscale) ++(0,3pt) -- ++(0,-6pt) node[below] {\year};


enter image description here


1 Answer 1


I suggest

  • subtracting 2000 from every year
  • and using the x key (initially x = 1cm) to scale the whole picture instead of using a \yearscale macro.

I've also changed a few \xdefs to \let since they don't need to be globally defined.


\usepackage{tikz, pgfplotstable}

% read in table
\pgfplotstableread[col sep=comma]{
A, 2011, 2012
B, 2016, 2018
C, 2018, 2022

\pgfplotstableread[col sep=comma]{
D, 2003, 2008
E, 2008, 2011
F, 2012, 2014
G, 2013, 2017

% add color columns
\pgfplotstablecreatecol[create col/set={blue!30}]{color}{\authors}
\pgfplotstablecreatecol[create col/set={red!30}]{color}{\events}

% append events table to authors table
% sort by startyear
\pgfplotstablesort[sort key=startyear]\sortedtable\authors

\pgfmathsetmacro\yscale{0.3} % scaling for y-direction 
                             % -- effectively vertical distance between bars
\pgfmathsetmacro\barheight{0.25} % height of bars


\foreach [count=\i,evaluate=\i as \ylevel using \i*\yscale] \row in {0,...,\M}{
  % get entries from table row
  \ifnum \xend=-1
    % single day entry, draw circle
    \filldraw [draw=black!99!\barcolor,fill=\barcolor] (\xstart-2000,-\ylevel)
      node[black,right=3pt,font=\scriptsize] {\txt};
    % interval, draw a rectangle
    \fill [\barcolor] (\xstart-2000,-\ylevel-\barheight/2) rectangle
     % add text label right of the rectangle
    \node [right,font=\scriptsize] at (\xend-2000,-\ylevel) {\txt};

\draw [Stealth-Stealth] (2003-2000,0) -- (2003-2000,-\TheLastY-\yscale)
                                      -- (2023-2000,-\TheLastY-\yscale);

% add ticks on x-axis
\foreach \year in {2003, 2004, ..., 2022}
  \draw (\year-2000,-\TheLastY-\yscale) ++(0,3pt)
     -- ++(0,-6pt) node[below] {\year};
  • 1
    The pgfplotstable manual: \pgfplotstablegetelem is quite slow and tables are stored as a sequence of columns. I have an approach that iterates over columns and then rows and stores the values in a key which then can be accessed by a simple macro like \tdrc{<row index>}{<column name>} or \tdrci{<row index>}{<column index>}. It also uses the y key to scale the diagram vertically so that the \row loop variable can simply be used as an y value. Since this is not an answer to this question, I'll provide only a link. Commented Sep 22, 2022 at 22:18
  • amazing, thanks a lot !!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)
    – Ommo
    Commented Sep 22, 2022 at 22:47

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