I want to center my table in the middle of a two-column document in Latex. I have tried the {table*} and "\centering" command and it works, but not completely. It left aligns the table instead of centering it across the two columns. Here is my code. I would appreciate any tips on how to center this table properly.
\caption{Monte Carlo Simulation Results vs. Historical Food Distributions}
\multicolumn{2}{l}{Simulation} & \multicolumn{2}{l}{Historical} & Difference between means & & \\ \midrule
$M_1$ & $(SD_1)$ & $M_2$ & $(SD_2)$ & $M_1$ - $M_2$ {[}95\% CI{]} & $t(460)$ & $p$ \\ \midrule
146,797 & (3,786) & 122,468 & (27,411) & 24,330 {[}21,080, 27,578{]} & 14.7132 & \textless{}0.001 \\
\item Note. $ N=462$. CI = Confidence Interval; $n_1 = 450$. $n_2 = 12$.
option to threeparttable?