I want to recreate an equation, and I am not sure how to go about it. The features I'm interested in are the double row bracket and the aligned >> and << on the Right.

Equation to replicate

  • 3
    Welcome to tex.sx. A structure like this is handled by the cases environment from amsmath. As for aligning the right-hand side, since the material preceding the greater/less operators is the same in both lines, no special coding is required. Oct 1, 2022 at 22:55
  • Unrelated, but in the image the "max" looks more bound to the "/" than to the "E". Or, if you want, the "/" looks more bound to the "max" than to the following "E".
    – mickep
    Oct 2, 2022 at 7:30

1 Answer 1


The simplest possible solution is using the cases environment from the amsmath package.


  \lambda_{Np} = \lambda_p
    1 + 3 (E_{\mathrm{max}} / E_0)^2 / 16, & E_{\mathrm{max}} / E_0 \ll 1 \\
    (2 / \pi) (E_{\mathrm{max}} / E_0 + E_0 / E_{\mathrm{max}}), & E_{\mathrm{max}} / E_0 \gg 1, \\


enter image description here

For more complex needs you can have a look at the alignedat environment (also from amsamth) together with half-open delimiters but in the situation at hand there is not really a need for it.


  \lambda_{Np} = \lambda_p
    &1 + 3 (E_{\mathrm{max}} / E_0)^2 / 16, & \quad E_{\mathrm{max}} / E_0 &\ll 1 \\
    &(2 / \pi) (E_{\mathrm{max}} / E_0 + E_0 / E_{\mathrm{max}}), & E_{\mathrm{max}} / E_0 &\gg 1, \\


The output is pretty much that same as above.

  • +1, but {\mathrm{max}} --- > {\max} ...
    – Zarko
    Oct 2, 2022 at 11:55
  • @Zarko I highly doubt that this is supposed to be the \max operator. Oct 2, 2022 at 12:06

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