Within quantikz package there's the possibility to wrap a circuit within a box, through the command


By default, such a group plots the perimeter. The options allow to make the perimeter continous or dashed.

However I would like to not have it at all. For example with the following attribute setting:

\gategroup[wires=1,steps=5,style={no line, rounded corners}, background]{}

Can someone explain me how can I overcome this problem, even by changing the package itself if necessary. Which I believe is this one.

1 Answer 1


Option draw=none does the trick


& \gate{H} & \ctrl{1}\gategroup[2,steps=3,
style={rounded corners, draw=none, fill=blue!20, inner xsep=2pt},
background]{{\sc swap}} & \targ{} & \ctrl{1} & \qw & \qw \\
& \qw & \targ{} & \ctrl{-1} & \targ{} & \gate{H} & \qw

enter image description here

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