I don't know the error message, so I cannot say, why \leftmark
does not work in your code. As usual a minimal working example would have been useful, to see what you've tried and why it does not work.
Usually it does work:
But as an alternative, using scrlayer-scrpage
you don't need it in this case:
\renewcommand*{\sectionmarkformat}{Section~\thesection.~}% Format of the number
\setkomafont{pageheadfoot}{\bfseries}% Don't use slant, but bold
In other cases, you could simply use \headmark
with scrlayer-scrpage
Both examples with the same result:
With fancyhdr
also \rightmark
could be correct:
Whether \leftmark
or \rightmark
should be used, depends on the expected result with more than one \section
on the same page.