G'day, mate. I'm writing my paper, but I don't know how to label my equations. I typed \label{(1.1)}(1.2,1.3,…etc.) after my equation, but it always doesn't work! I tried \ref{} as well, it doesn’t work neither. Maybe Pages doesn't support this syntax? Hope someone can help me out. Thanks.enter image description here

  • 3
    Your question is very unclear. \label{abc} makes no visible output but sets abc as an internal identifier so \ref{abc} will reference the equation. I doubt this does anything useful if you extract just an equation image in to another application, which is what Pages is doing I think (I don't have a mac) Nov 24, 2022 at 15:53
  • I'm not sure what you mean by "label my equations". Perhaps you are after something like a = 2b eq.3 Please show the typed output you want. Nov 24, 2022 at 18:49
  • @DavidCarlisle sorry, sir. I just uploaded a picture showing my Latex codes. I tried \ref{} too, but it didn’t work. By the way, Pages is iWork application which is like Word in Windows system.
    – 106207436
    Dec 2, 2022 at 16:13
  • In LaTeX, you would have \label{myequation} in the equation, and refer to it later with \ref{myequation} (numbering defeats that purpose entirely). If that doesn't work, you could try \tag{(1.1)} within the equation. If that doesn't work, you could take a manual approach \qquad{\rm(1.1)}.
    – Teepeemm
    Dec 2, 2022 at 16:17
  • @PeterWilson hello, outputs I want are just like all formulas and equations you see in any physics textbook.F=ma (1.1) or W=mg. (1.2). Each formula or equation has a number aligned to its right.
    – 106207436
    Dec 2, 2022 at 16:18

1 Answer 1


Apple Pages (and other Apple applications) support MathML and a subset of the latex syntax (not latex itself) for math using Blahtex. And it looks like \label is not supported. For more information see the documentation here: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202501

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