I am attempting to vertically centre a multiline cell, so far without success. In the following diagram A is fine, but B/C seem to be pushed to the top, rather than placed around the middle of the box. Also the spacing between them is larger than I would prefer:
The main table definition is:
\begin{longtblr}[theme = fancy, entry=none,label=none]{
colspec = {|l|l|Q[h,l]|},
stretch = 0,
columns = {colsep=1mm},
column{1} = {leftsep=0pt},
column{3} = {rightsep=0pt},
and the multicell:
\inst{B} &
\R{1},\DSXB{2} &
\SetCell[r=2]{m} \Wrap{\RSFullFull{\add}} \\*
\inst{C} &
\R{1},\DLXB{2} &
-- \\ \hline
(Horizontal and vertical lines added just to see the issue more clearly: will be removed)
Full MWE:
\usepackage[papersize={105mm,297mm}, margin=5mm]{geometry}
\usetikzlibrary{positioning, shapes.misc, shapes,arrows,chains, arrows.meta, calc, decorations.pathmorphing}
%%%%% tabularray settings
minimum height = 1cm,
minimum width = 8cm,
point/.style={circle, inner sep=0pt, minimum size=2pt, fill=red},
sizenode/.style = {font=\fontsize{22}{22}\selectfont\bfseries\sffamily, white},
node distance = 5mm and 10mm,
every node/.style={transform shape},
\node (x) [Register] {};
\fill [black!20] (x.south west) +(0,0) rectangle +(20,5);
\begin{tikzpicture}[ scale=1.0, baseline=(current bounding box.center)] % .north
([shift={(0mm,2mm)}]current bounding box.north east)
([shift={(0mm,-2mm)}]current bounding box.south west);
\begin{longtblr}[theme = fancy, entry=none,label=none]{
colspec = {|l|l|Q[h,l]|},
stretch = 0,
columns = {colsep=1mm},
column{1} = {leftsep=0pt},
column{3} = {rightsep=0pt},
\inst{A} &
R\textsubscript{1},R\textsubscript{2} &
\Wrap{\RSFullFull{\add}} \\ \hline
\inst{B} &
\R{1},\DSXB{2} &
\SetCell[r=2]{m} \Wrap{\RSFullFull{\add}} \\*
\inst{C} &
\R{1},\DLXB{2} &
-- \\ \hline
For @Zarko: