I'm trying to see whether there's a way I can use contextual alternate initial Q(u) in lettrine without its tail colliding with other text. Usinga fontspec's \addfontfeature{Style=Alternate} within the first set of lettrine brackets, I get the following result:

image of initial Q with long tail colliding with other letters

I'd like instead something that looks like the output example added to this question.

Is there a way to fix this? If I understand correctly, lettrine wasn't designed to work with contextual alternates, so I'm figuring probably not, but better to ask people who know much more than I do.

  • you just need (as in the referenced answer) to choose a suitable linespread don't you? As always, it would help if you provided a test document Commented Dec 1, 2022 at 14:59

1 Answer 1


You can raise the Q or increase linespacing, or both. An example with the freely available EB Garamond which is not such a large Q but collides in the first example but not in the next two.

enter image description here




est de Deo, Angelo et homine. De Deo quaesitum
est et quantum ad divinam naturam et quantum ad naturam humanam
assumptam. Quantum ad DIVINAM naturam quaesitum est: utrum beatus
Benedictus in visione qua vidit totum mundum, divinam essentiam

est de Deo, Angelo et homine. De Deo quaesitum
est et quantum ad divinam naturam et quantum ad naturam humanam
assumptam. Quantum ad DIVINAM naturam quaesitum est: utrum beatus
Benedictus in visione qua vidit totum mundum, divinam essentiam

est de Deo, Angelo et homine. De Deo quaesitum
est et quantum ad divinam naturam et quantum ad naturam humanam
assumptam. Quantum ad DIVINAM naturam quaesitum est: utrum beatus
Benedictus in visione qua vidit totum mundum, divinam essentiam


  • Thank you! Doing both (raising the Q and increasing the linespacing) solves the problem completely! It does add several pages to the document, but I'm okay with the trade-off. Commented Dec 2, 2022 at 15:00

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