Having this code I tinkered together:





\newtcolorbox{frameT}{enhanced, colframe=black,colback=gray!5, boxrule=2pt,arc=6pt,outer arc=60pt,frame hidden, after skip = -12pt, interior style={left color = orange, bottom color = purple}, opacityback = 0.06}


\begin{frameT} % Frame not around whole picture 


   \rput(0,0){\Huge Title}%
   \rput(-0.05,-4){\Large Name}%




It gives a neat ornamental picture, however the frame of tcolorbox is not fully enclosing .

How do I achieve this?

1 Answer 1


By using \begin{picture}(0,0) you are basically setting the size of the picture to 0. You could either choose a suitable size for the picture (might require changing some of the coordinates...) or, as a quick hack, manually add some height with a minipage around the picture:





enhanced, colframe=black,colback=gray!5, boxrule=2pt,arc=6pt,outer arc=60pt,frame hidden, after skip = -12pt, interior style={left color = orange, bottom color = purple}, opacityback = 0.06


\begin{frameT} % Frame not around whole picture 
   \rput(0,0){\Huge Title}%
   \rput(-0.05,-4){\Large Name}%


enter image description here

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