I have a set of coordinates, e.g.
(-4, 1) (-3, 2) (-2, 3), (-1, 4)
(500, 4) (501, 3) (502, 2) (501, 1)
Suppose I plot these points with an interpolation curve through them as follows.
\addplot[smooth, mark=*] coordinates {
(-4, 1) (-3, 2) (-2, 3), (-1, 4)
%a gap in the interpolation curve here
(500, 4) (501, 3) (502, 2) (501, 1)
The problem with this is that the graph looks like 2 vertical lines because of the scaling/compressing of the x axis. The graph is meant to show a curve with positive slope on the left, one with negative slope on the right, and a gap in-between. So I want to shrink/disappear the gap, the interval [5, 499] in the x-axis, and still label things appropriately.