This might be related to why math fonts aren't showing up, but I encountered this error with LuaLaTeX math font.
The only issue showing up as a font is \mathbf
not displaying bold font, so I assume the two are probably correlated.
For instance, here is some sample text and preamble information:
% preamble
\defaultfontfeatures{Ligatures=TeX, Scale=MatchLowercase}
\setmainfont{Minion Pro}
\setsansfont{Myriad Pro}
\setmonofont{Inconsolata Nerd Font}
\setmathfont{Libertinus Math}
% text file
\usepackage{random} % contains my fonts; I will provide a link to it
\section{Testing Math Fonts}
Here is me trying to test out how math fonts work.
\text{Regular: } x + 1 = 2; \, \text{Bold: } \mathbf{x + 1 = 2}; \, \text{Italic: }\mathit{x+1 = 2}
And the following output shows italic font working, but not bold:
Coincidentally, I also happen to have this warning:
Therefore, I think the two are related - a font shape undefined error is causing \mathbf
to not show up. In that case, how can I resolve the font shape error?
. Please tell us which TeX distribution you employ and when you last updated it.\symbf
works, thanks! Also a huge thanks for the explanation as to how this works.