Sorry that this is a very basic question here but couldn't find it anywhere. Hope you could explain or give me a link.
\documentclass[border={5mm 5mm 5mm 5mm}]{standalone}
\draw (0,3) to[R, l=$R_1$] ++(3,0) node[npn, anchor=B]{};
First, this one would create a nice circuit with a resistor and transistor. As I understand, it starts at point (0,3) and the place a resistor and then at point (3,3) it will place a transistor there.
So far so good. Now if I change it to something like this.
\draw (0,3) to[R, l=$R_1$] ++(1,0) node[npn, anchor=B]{};
So with the same logic above, I supposed that the transistor is placed at point (1,3) but the figure become some weird thing.
I think it is because I make the distance between them too small, smaller than the componenent length.
However, is there source where they define the length of resistor, transistors, etc? For example, if you just draw a resistor only (I don't know how as well), would it draw it like below? If so what would be the length of these marked parts in the image?