I am trying to input Harvard style bibliography in my master thesis but I cant do it. In the pdf file, I see the references but either they do not have the names at all, but they have the title
of the book the publisher
and the year
or they are not placed in the appropriate position or either the url
that I have inserted is not recognised.
I am using a different file (Dissertation.bib
ALTauthor = {Breuer, L. and Baum, D.},
ALTeditor = {•},
title = {An Introduction to Queueing Theory and Matrix-Analytic Methods},
chapter = {6},
publisher = {Springer},
year = {2005},
OPTkey = {•},
OPTvolume = {•},
OPTnumber = {•},
OPTseries = {•},
OPTtype = {•},
OPTaddress = {•},
OPTedition = {•},
OPTmonth = {•},
OPTpages = {•},
OPTnote = {•},
OPTannote = {•}
[1] An Introduction to Queueing Theory and Matrix-Analytic Methods, chap- ter 6. Springer, 2005.
In the main program of my dissertation I have:
Am I doing something wrong?